About Us

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Located in both California and Central Mexico Densiflorus Seed takes full advantage of the extraordinary climate and growing opportunities both regions offer. We can collect seeds for a prolonged season ensuring quality seeds at peak season.

EDUARDO MORAOperations Manager Purchasing/Sales Support
Eduardo graduated from Cal Poly Pomona’s Plant Science department where he grew an interest in Horticulture. His background comes from production AG growing up on his family’s avocado farm down in Michoacan. His passion for horticulture helped start seed production in Michoacan and has incorporated production AG with horticulture helping us achieve quality plants and seeds.
CLAUDIA MORAImport /Export Support Inventory Management
Claudia graduated from Cal State Northridge’s Business department where she focused on supply chain management. Her experience in the field has helped us reach international customers. Working directly with our vendors and customers for transport internationally and domestic.
MIGUEL MORAGrowing Manager
Miguel works out of our ranch in Central Mexico. Over sees production timing and crew operations on a daily basis. With over 12 years of experience producing seeds from our plants. Miguel over sees our crew collecting seed and cleaning.

Our Roots

As a family owned and operated wholesale seed supplier, we have been passionate about growing horticulture plants for over a decade. With our team’s knowledge base, we have been able to improve our growing practices using new technology, increase production to further improve quality and year-round seed availability. Densiflorus Seed was established with all level’s of integration in mind.

  • Family Operated
  • Growers
  • Importers / Exporters

  • Distributors
  • Marketing / Sales